Face & Skin Treatments

What Is It? A combination of micro needling and active Mesotherapy serum infusion to boost your skin’s hydration levels, promote radiance and leave your skin looking plumper and firmer without downtime. Over time it will soften fine lines and wrinkles and improve skin elasticity.
This form of micro needling is completely different to the medical version we have been providing for many years - for a start there’s no numbing cream required, as the needle length we're using is very superficial - you’ll hardly notice any sensation - just the after-glow!
*If your skin needs are more about tackling deeper lines, wrinkles or established pigmentation, we would still recommend the medical version of micro needling for you.
The Fusion MesoGlow Facial comprises of 3 steps:
a superficial skin peel
micro needling with a specific Fusion Mesotherapy
cocktail for your skin condition
Dermalux LED light therapy

To get the best out of all the treatments that we offer, a consultation is required. This is a valuable FREE one to one meeting focused on you, and will provide you with qualified and experienced advice.
Treatments subject to medical checks. Full Terms and Conditions HERE